How to Set up a Blog

February 21, 2008 | posted in | 0 comments

Making money online has never been easier. With the creation of adsense, affiliate programs, and product marketing, online marketing and sales has reached a level of sophistication that allows everyone to make money easily. All it takes is some time, some effort, and some forethought.

Choosing a Niche to Make Easy Money

Although everyone appears to be doing it, there doesn't seem to be a lot of guidance on where to start. As you may or may not know, the first step is choosing a niche or two and then putting together a blog to attract people to your niche site. Finding a niche is usually as easy as thinking about what people look for online, what they buy online, and then building a site around that. I use other methods that increase my chances, which I will discuss later, but they are unimportant here.

Setting up a Blog to Make Easy Money

Once you have decided on your niche, it is now time to set up your blog. They important thing to keep in mind is that you do not want to set this up to get max readers, get on entertainment tonight, and make the front page of US Weekly. This blog is meant to do one thing; get traffic on this product, so when they don't find exactly what they are looking they will click on your ads or links and make you some money. Because of this goal, your blog will not be dressy, it will not have many bells and whistles. It will be basic, it will be concise, and it will make you money!

There are many places to make a blog, but why not take advantage of the free one? will let you create any blog you want (porn blogs and gambling blogs are not encouraged), set everything up for you, and all you have to do is type! A computer novice could do this, and you can too.

Step one is to go to blogger and click on create a new blog. Once you've done that enter in your blog title. It is important that the title have your keywords and as little other language as possible. To do this, use a pipe signal where you would use and ( | is it - use shift plus backward slash to get it). For instance, my blog title is "Make Money Easy | Make Money Fast." This is important because it is the first thing the Google bot is going to look at when it scans your site to see what it is about. You want this keyword to get picked up so you can begin to get indexed as soon as possible.

After the title, enter your blog address; make it as relevant to your topic as possible. This is another sign to the search engines as to what your site is about. Get it? Now enter the word verification.

The next step is choosing a template. Remember, we want traffic, not fans, so I'd stick with Minima. It translates to the most clicks, in my experience. Congratulations, you've just created your blog and you can now start making money!!

Before posting, I'd suggest setting up your blog to maximize its potential. First go to settings. Where it says description, enter the keywords you want to optimize, remembering to use the pipe symbol instead of "and" or "or." Later, you can come back and edit this to reflect your keyword of the minute. When you are done with that, leave everything else, save the settings and move on to publishing in the settings tab.

In publishing, it should have your blogspot address. This is important because this is where your posts go. You may want to change this after you get started, to maximize your traffic.

Next is formatting. On the show button, click 1 post on the main page. Pick your time zone and date preferences and where it says show link fields, choose "yes." This lets you make a separate link for each of your posts. When you create a post, make sure you enter your blog address in there. Save those settings and go to Comments.

In comments, show backlinks and make sure word verification for comments is on.

Archiving should stay the way it is. Now go to layout. This is where you can customize your site by adding elements. Adsense, html, and other things are located here. I encourage you to play with it, but would suggest waiting to put adsense on your site for at least a month. This will allow you to build up page rank, get some backlinks, and gain some credibility with Google.

This article is way too long. I'll explain more later.

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